
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • Hello, before we went in this business we were told similar prices by people driving from our country in these countries. We did not know exact costs before but had in mind that about 60% of the costs are petrol & road taxes. This is not "fake". We actually are driving for this amount. Now i am asking myself - has everyone lied here about the prices they get per kilometer or are we all just that badly paid? All the cargo goes both ways always (almost no empty kilometers) but as i said, it is nea…

  • Okay, i get the point now. Just to clear some things: - we are not some new "entrepreneurs", we have been doing transport for more than 20 years in our country but not international transport - we do know how to calculate the costs but this was not the question. We do not know much about prices in Germany and the main question was if the price we are getting is really bellow average or is everyone driving so cheap - we don't want to steal anyones business or anything. I considered this to be a s…

  • I'm having trouble understanding all your answers (probably because of your slang). Would anyone care to answer me in proper german language which google translate can translate Thanks @gelöschter User 4: if i understood correctly you cannot say without the numbers but you believe the driver paycheck is too high? What is your oppinion on the price per kilometer?

  • Hello fellow forum members. First of all sorry to ask this question - i am sure it has been answered but as i do not speak much german its hard for me to find answers here. My question will be translated to german language using google translate, i hope you will understand me correctly. We have recently started in international transport business, driving mainly through Italy - Austria - Germany with max weight of 24 Tons (semi-trailer). We have been in business for about 4 months now but are ve…